Resoconto Intermedio al 30 Settembre 2019

Cairo Communication

Press Release - Results at 30 September 2019 approved
In the first 9 months of 2019, the Group achieved:

- consolidated gross revenue of Euro 911.2 million
- consolidated gross operating profit (EBITDA) and operating profit (EBIT) of Euro 119 million1 and Euro 62.4 million1, respectively Euro 96.2 million and Euro 60.2 million net of IFRS 16 impacts
- profit attributable to the owners of the parent of Euro 23.5 million1, Euro 24 million net of IFRS 16 impacts
- a reduction in consolidated net financial debt of Euro 44.4 million versus end 2018 and of Euro 67 million versus 30 September 2018, after the distribution of dividends of Euro 31.2 million at Group level