In first quarter 2018, the Group achieved:
- consolidated gross revenue of Euro 301.4 million (Euro 289. 8 million in first quarter 2017)
- consolidated gross operating profit (EBITDA) and operating profit (EBIT) of Euro 25.1 million and Euro 10.1 million, up sharply versus first quarter 2017 (Euro 18.3 million and Euro 1.7 million 2 )
- profit attributable to the owners of the parent of Euro 3.4 million versus a loss of Euro 2.2 million in 2017
RCS’s margins grew strongly, in line with 2018 performance targets (a profit of Euro 6 million 3 versus a loss of Euro 5.7 million 3 in first quarter 2017), reducing its net financial debt by Euro 28.2 million 3 . Gross operating profit (EBITDA), amounting to Euro 22.3 million in the consolidated financial statements of Cairo Communication, grew by approximately Euro 7.5 million versus first quarter 2017.
The TV publishing segment (La7) reported a sharp increase in La7’s audience in the quarter (+21% in the all- day share and +40% in prime time), which was confirmed in April and early May.
The Cairo Editore magazine publishing segment continued to achieve positive results, with gross operating profit (EBITDA) and operating profit (EBIT) of Euro 1.7 million and Euro 1.4 milli on (Euro 2.5 million and Euro 2.2 million in first quarter 2017)