Press release filling of documents

Cairo Communication

Milan, 12 April 2010: Notice is hereby given that the following documents have been made available to the public: the draft Financial Report for the year 2009 approved by the Board of Directors, which includes the annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements, the Management Report, the Report on Corporate Governance and ownership structure and the statement provided for by art. 154-bis, paragraph 5 of the Consolidated Finance Law, together with the Board of Auditors’ Report and the Auditing Company’s Report.
Also available to the public are the report on the items on the agenda of the forthcoming Shareholders’ Meeting and the Directors’ Report on the proposal to authorize the purchase and sale of treasury shares.
All the foregoing documents have been filed at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and at the registered office of Cairo Communication S.p.A., and are also available on the Company’s website